

  • Tactical retention of the puck

The team which does not own the puck has also three variants of actions:

  • Active takeoff (power game and personal guarding)
  • Passive takeoff (game from defence and positional game)
  • Situational takeoff (taking up the struggle for the puck on a game situation)

Game with equal number of players

Game 3-3

Seldom arised game situation resulting fierce opposition of teams and natural removals of players from a pitch for fouls. During such moments on the pitch there should be players owning high individual tactic-technical skill. To a team owning the puck, it is necessary to create conditions for counterattack and to realise it, and to a defending team does not go for single fights on another half of pitch. A classical arrangement is a triangle. Two defensemen behind, one forward in front.

Game 4-4

In such structures overtimes are played. As well as in game 3-3 high-speed and technical players are required, who are able to create a superiority in strength and to realise it by means of high tactical skill. A classical arrangement is a quadrangle. Two players are behind and two - in front. Two forwards have only one variant of interactions among themselves - a handoff or give-and-go that does not exclude their efficiency. But for full interaction the third player is needed, i.e. it is necessary connection of one of defensemen that is fraught of backs denudation and danger of contender's counterattack.

In game 3-3 and 4-4 there is no full interaction of players and combinational possibilities of teams that compels to perceive such game combinations as a temporary respite before the basic battles in game 5-5 are accordingly limited.

Game 5-5

56 not repeating variants of interactions of team owning the puck. It is possible to confuse any even the strongest contender. But hockey is very rational game and for result achievement the minimum quantity of players and the minimum efforts is required. If individual pass to net of the contender and its successful realisation is possible then handoffs and other actions will be needless if it is not a grandstand play. Interactions should be dictated by logic of development of a game situation, both offensive, and defensive. For example. The defenseman has the puck. His first action is to lift eyes and to estimate game conditions. If someone from forwards is opened for reception of the puck and is ready to its reception - handoff is necessary. If forwards had not time to be released from guarding of the contender then handoff to the partner in defence is possible. If he also is not ready to puck reception then a tactical retention of the puck or its emission from a zone is necessary or, as a last resort, puck pressing to a board. Only do not reject the puck not looking, because it will be equival to handoff of the puck to the contender. One person loses the puck, and all take it! Errors in the organisation of team interactions begin from here. Someone from partners has opened, it is desirable on the speed, convenient handoff must be done, others forwards, also on the speed, are opened on possible bigger space of pitch for puck reception, and here the organised attack or expedient interaction has gone.

Game 5-5 is won by those who:

  • Has higher individual tactic-technical skill
  • Strictly observes combination theory laws
  • Has in an arsenal bigger quantity of affected combinations


  • Is able to save own energy, exhausting the contender tactically
  • Has higher functional readiness got during trainings and games on ice, and also, in absence of ice, in game on rollers or games in basketball, a handball, football etc.

In cases of decrease in game and functional conditions for any reasons (illness or temporary absence in hockey) additional training on restoration of physical working capacity or putting of functional systems of an organism to a condition providing the further development and perfection of game are possible.

Game in minority

Game 3-4

Playing minority of a team, as a rule, is without the puck that does not exclude its taking by means of takeoff or interception. The player of Moscow Spatyak V.Starshinov has such amazing ability, which was able by means of false maneuvers and imitations to intercept handoffs between defensemen and to run away in private with the goalkeeper.

Classical arrangement is a triangle with top in the pitch middle. Here an important point is ability not to give in on attempts of the contender to take away and weaken rigidity of a triangle in which each player defends only his site of a pitch limited to a circle in diameter of one and a half - two metres. Defending players carry out maneuverable skating within their zones and supervise actions of the forwards. The active confrontation to the contender is carried out only in case of penetration of the contender into a protected zone.

Game 3-5

Such game situation happens more often, than game 3-4. In such game the most courageous and cool players should defend. An arrangement and the scheme of actions are the same as in game 3-4. Here strong concentration of visual and peripheral analyzers of players is necessary, in mobile, within their zones, functional triangle. Having the puck it is necessary to throw out it from a zone far away from the net easy to take breath, and it is possible to take the puck if forces and the contender allow, as though to check up the contender on durability or to tickle nerves of spectators.


Game 4-5

It is one of the most widespread situations at game in minority. There are games when such combination takes more time, than game with equal number of players. Here it is easier to act for players because the carriage principle becomes the additional assistant. The carriage principle shows possibility and necessity of secure and a mutual gain each other by simultaneous moving of all players clockwise or counter-clockwise in case of game necessity. Someone from defending players has lost a position or single fight, and the player of the contender really threatens with a capture of net. The nearest player of defence to a place of events leaves the place and come into single fight with the contender, and other players of his team move on a circle, filling emptiness, formed for an instant.

Tactical defensive arrangement is a square. Two players are behind and two - in front. Possibility to catch the contender on an error in handoffs or swerving is bigger, than in the previous game situations 3-5 and 3-4 because the five attacking players, who have settled down for playing of numerical advantage, are in almost static position.

Game 3-6; 4-6; 5-6.

Such game combinations arise, as a rule, at a last minute of a match, when it is necessary for one team to score a goal to avoid a loss or to win. Substitution of the goalkeeper by the sixth rink player is made. Essentially schemes of an arrangement of defending players remain the same. Three defensemen form a triangle; four - a square, and five - a classical envelope or a quadrangle with the fifth player inside on the square centre. For good defending, it is necessary to know possible variants of actions of attacking players.


Two attacking contenders must settle down about lateral bars of net and to be responsible for the end of attack by bar short circuit, re-kicking of the puck jumped aside from the goalkeeper, stick statement on a ricochet or change of the puck movement direction. Other two attacking, located in a zone of distant goal crease besides game on a ricochet and changes of a puck flight direction sent by defensemen, can and should carry out direct attack of net, and also close the view and visibility of the puck for a goalkeeper. In the created conditions it is necessary for defending players to do attempts to destroy the scheme of tactical exchange. For what in good situations to do imitation of attack to the players owning the puck. With such dummies it is possible temporarily to force a contender to play under your scenario, and at good execution of game on advancing it is possible and to take off the puck, and not just to creep under it. Imitation by a defenseman of attack to a player owning the puck, and also game on an advancing - a basis of team actions playing minority. Here pertinently to refresh memory that one defending player is capable, at skilful maneuvering, to neutralise two forwards by simple puck interception, applying imitation and game on an advancing. At synchronous interaction three defensemen can resist even to six players of the contender. It is even easier to four players to conduct defence of the net, and five defending players should not have problems at all. Certainly, it concerns qualified teams, but for this purpose trainings exist that all this hockey knowledge can be masteedr, and fixed in games.


Game in majority

Game 5-3

At such overwhelming numerical advantage in two players and even besides, that three defending will not give in on any dodges on destruction of triangle rigidity; there are two variants of successful attack finishing. First, it is tactical exchange of one, or, it is better, two defending players.


Secondly, it is constant, purposeful direct throws, throws and blows on a ricochet or on change of the puck movement direction with the subsequent re-kicking after puck jamping out from a goalkeeper. No any extension of defensemen, no any other needless actions. Or tactical exchange is needed and if it has not turned out for any reasons then "seeing", purposeful blows and throws. And we have forgotten about improvisation, but it already from higher mathematics area.

Game 5-4

In such game situation the same actions as in game 5-3 are possible. The only stipulation of successful end of attacking actions it is speed of their performance in a mode of one contact. There is one or two tactical exchanges and high-speed end of the arisen situations 4-3 or 3-2. Numerical advantage is necessary for playing quickly while defending players had not time to take adequate measures of counteractions, i.e. to return to classical construction of guard rows. It is impossible to lose rate of attack. The variant of improvisation with application of pauses and false swings on blow or a throw is again possible.

Game 4-3

Game 4-3, as a matter of fact, differs nothing from game 5-4, because here again numerical advantage in one player. But in this situation more game space and consequently the variant of tactical exchanges looks more preferably. Throws and blows are expedient also: straight, on a ricochet, and on change of the puck movement direction with the subsequent re-kickings of the puck jumped aside from the goalkeeper.

Game 6-3, 6-4, 6-5.

When we was speak about variants of players actions in numerical minority against six contenders, actions of an attacking team (see p. 28) have been in detail discussed. At game 6-3 and 6-4 it is more expedient to try in the beginning a variant of tactical exchange, and then blows and throws. At game 6-5 indisputable looks a variant of blows and throws with ricochets, closing of visibility to the goalkeeper etc.


Thus, there are basic variants of actions of the team having numerical advantage:

  • Removing of the defenseman on a direct blow or throw to net with the subsequent re-kicking in case of need
  • Purposeful blow of a defenseman on a ricochet or on change of a puck flight movement direction
  • Tactical exchange, i.e. temporary removing of the defenseman from active defence by the player owning the puck.
  • Improvisation

In all cases barriers of visibility to the goalkeeper, tactical barriers of players of the contender are applied for simplification of actions to the player owning the puck. For better development all tactical schemes of teams’ actions in majority and in minority are described in a zone of realisation or ending of attack.

Versions of team tactics of game with a puck

As it has been found out above a team owning the puck, has only three variants of actions: counterattack, positional attack, positional retention of the puck. In the literature on hockey and, in particular on hockey tactics, various interpretation of counterattack is applied. One consider, that it is necessary to name counterattack the attacking actions of the team which organised from own zone of protection and have led to numerical advantage in the finishing stage of attack. Others believe, that counterattack is any actions of a team after interception of the puck at the contender, irrespective of a place of takeoff of the puck. According to the logic of the second variant is closer to the true because after puck interception, in any point of a rink, attacking actions in a direction of contender's net begin. In what numerical combinations it will occur, depends on the developed game situation. If it was possible to create a numerical advantage by fast pass or swerving in a finishing stage of attack we can name it counterattack. If it was not possible, for any reasons, to create numerical advantage such attack should be called positional. There are also terms: attack ftom the move, assuming attack end by the fast draw which is not go to the phase of positional attack; fast or high-speed attack, but I think it is versions of counterattack and have no essential distinctions that is why they can be united in one term - counterattack.



COUNTERATTACK is the prompt actions of the team which have led to numerical advantage in the finishing stage of attack.

POSITIONAL ATTACK is attacking actions of a team in with equal number of players, directed on creation of numerical advantage and its realisation.

POSITIONAL RETENTION OF THE PUCK is puck retention, as a rule, on the half of rink for the purpose of game time delay or prompting of the contender to active actions on puck takeoff. Positional retention is possible in any rink part.

Versions of team tactics of game without the puck

The team which does not own the puck has three variants of taking up the struggle for takeoff of the puck at the contender:

  • Active takeoff (power game and personal guarding)
  • Passive takeoff (positional defence or game against defence)
  • Situational takeoff (taking up the struggle for puck takeoff on a game situation) It is possible a game variant on retention of the score or a game time delay, modern expression - «to dry game», by means of constant freezing or clearing the puck on half of a contender's rink etc.

Power Game

Such game assumes taking up the struggle for puck takeoff right after its losses. Such manner of game assumes presence of tactic-technical skills necessary for it and certain stocks of physical strengths or functionality. In such hockey the team plays, which surpassing the contender in all components of game or having intentions to change a game course to own advantage. Almost all teams in NHL played and play in such way. It is natural, that sharply attacking hockey is especially attractive to spectators. In similar style the national team of the USSR and a team of CSKA played, in times of A.V.Tarasov and V.V.Tikhonov, but also against such tactics have found antidote, but about it later.


Modern hockey is characterised by alignment of physicotechnical conditions of players and that's why this tactics of game it is better to use in a combination to other ways of struggle conducting. The given manner of game applies, as a rule, to psychological influence on the contender to break their opposition and to turn an outcome of a game situation to own advantage. But to take off the puck by cavalry impact it is only half the battle, because it is still necessary to throw it in net of the contender. Otherwise similar actions will appear waste of forces, and such tactical adventurism can lead to counterattack of the contender with pitiable result. But it is necessary to try and master such game all the same, if you have intentions something to achieve in a confrontation with the contender and to set, though and for a while, but your game rules. Pair takeoff of the puck assumes the attack of the player owning the puck by two forwards at once. One of them makes tactical exchange by means of power reception for cutting off of the player from the puck, and other player goes on takeoff of this puck.

Personal guarding

Given tactics of takeoff of the puck at the contender also is the active form of struggle conducting. In personal tactics everyone plays with everyone. Advantage of personal guarding that a player own the puck is compelled to go in swerving in view of impossibility of handoff of the puck to a partner. Swerving always has chances 50/50, i.e. possibility of loss of the puck exists. This fact also is a basis of given tactics. The only stipulation of successful realisation of personal guarding is synchronism of actions. Given tactics also demands the big physical and psychical energy input and it is recommended for application in cases of necessity of result changing which is not good for a team.

Tactics of game from defence

Such tactics professed during Soviet times Moscow "Dynamo" under the guidance of the greatest strategist and tactician A.I.Chernyshov. Game from defence was alternative or antidote of tactics of the power game professed by a team of CSKA that were basis of a national team of the USSR.


The essence of this tactics of game is consists of team return to the blue line, in a case of loss the full control of the puck, and an arrangement of players on the half of rink under the scheme 1-4 or 1-2-2. The player put forward interferes with attack development on the centre, and the pushing off a contender to the boards makes development of attack less effective and can cause puck loss by handoffs or swerving. Game from defence pursued the main aim - economy of own forces and possibility of the organisation of counterattack at takeoff of the puck at the contender who has taken a great interest in attack. Given tactics can be used as a temporary respite in game or for distraction of the contender by removing him on the half of rink. The weakest five of a team, at the beginning, can and should play such hockey not to increase negative balance of a team.

Situational Game

Given tactics does not suggest going with the stream of game, but assumes to choose in a concrete game situation the optimal scheme of a confrontation with the contender to secure own net and at the first possibility to organise counterattack.

For example, the defenseman of the contender in a corner of a hockey platform has tarried with the puck and has not had time to be developed by the face to the rink, and his forwards had not time to open for puck reception. Action on attack of this defenseman will be logical and if the defenseman has had time to be turned to the rink and steadily supervises not only the puck, but also a game situation - it is more logical to apply personal guarding. The team has got tired of opposition - you can return to your zone and play from defence. Given tactics is based and assumes instant and synchronous transformation of one tactics of game in another depending on change of a game situation in the rink. Such ability to transformation is a sign of the highest class of a team. Given tactics has been tested and applied by players of a team "Khimik" from Voskresensk under the guidance of N.S.Eshpteyn also as alternative in struggle against all-powerful CSKA. By the way, this tactics was completely copied further by the Finnish and Swedish hockey players for a confrontation to power game of a national team of the USSR, and nowadays a Russian national team. Apparently from results the copy has appeared better then original.


Improvisatory Tactics

Given tactics assumes application of non-standard actions of someone from defending players or a team as a whole. It can be applied as a way of throw a contender off from his stride, i.e. from a regular current of game. Application of any tactical formation or reformation during the game not keeping within logic of game situation development. Such non-standard actions can have diverting character.


More than a semicentenial finding in football and hockey, and also the analysis of unfavourable results of performances of national teams of the country at world forums, gives me the right to assert, that accent on physicotechnical training without simultaneous inclusion in training process of elements of tactical skill and, especially at the initial stages of development of game, has led us us into deadlock. Elements of tactical skill and, especially, an orientation of the visual control, are a basis of expedient team interactions. Without well developed game thinking in general it is impossible to create something good in the rink. Certainly, it is possible to reach repeatedly net of the contender and to finish attack by "blind" blow towards net or by means of peripheral sight, but also it is possible to execute in advance rehearsed combination with able to see blow in not protected place of net of the contender. What is more effectively to guess is not difficult. If the visual control is on a game situation, the player has a good vision of a rink and according to it good possibility for the analysis and making of effective and expedient decision on performance of this or that physical action. Nobody is going to challenge values of physical and technical training. A problem is in quastion - what kind of hockey training is leading and directing and what is leaded, i.e. is a help and a support.


I think, as you have come to conclusion that in sports including hockey, the main thing is ability to fast and qualitative thinking as bases of interactions during game. It is necessary to notice, that during trainings and games not only impellent dynamic stereotypes are formed, but also cogitative and they can become either assistants or contenders of your game. Master game reasonly and play it reasonly not to get to a quartet from Krylov's fable. Words from V.S.Vysotskiy's song are involuntarily come to mind about value of physical drill before a chess duel for a rank of the world champion between B.Spasskiy and B.Fisher.


HOCKEY is game, and a game basis - interactions of players. A basis of interactions is their meaningfulness. We train thought over actions and interactions.

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